1 korak - Unosenje tabli Step 1 - Board/sheet data entry  Previous topicNext topicFirst topicLast topic

1 korak - Unosenje podataka
Prvo cemo uneti table iz kojih rezemo elemente.
Podatke unosimo tako sto otkucamo naziv ili broj i onda pritisnemo taster ENTER
U gornjem levom uglu ekrana imamo cetiri polja za unos:

TIP TABLE: naziv table npr: bela,crna,javor itd. Nije neophodan za dalji tok racunanja seme rezanja, ali pomaze prilikom velikog broja sema rezanja da se razvrstaju pre samog secenja posto se stampaju na vrhu same seme rezanja
DUZINA: Duzina table u centimetrima (ukoliko se tabla obrezuje pre secenja smanjiti duzinu table za to parce i uneti ga u ovo polje)
VISINA Visina table u cantimetrima (ukoliko se tabla obrezuje pre secenja smanjiti duzinu table za to parce i uneti ga u ovo polje)
KOM Broj tabli sa predhodno unetim dimenzijama.Moze biti stvaran broj koji imate u magacinu, ili veci ako hocete da vidite koliko bi tabli bilo potrebno za neke seme rezanja.

Znaci u gornjem primeru nismo uneli naziv table, duzina je 275cm, visina 207cm i broj tabli je 1. Posle unosenja podataka za tablu imacemo u tabeli sa desne strane spisak svih do sada unetih tabli i njihovu sumu u metrima kvadratnim.


Step 1 - Board/sheet data entry
First we will enter the dimensions of the board/sheet (data for name of material - type, length X width and number of parts) from which we will cut the needed parts, with the keyboard button ENTER.



Type of board, sheet

Type of board.  Not obligatory but helpful when cutting large amounts of boards since numbers will be showed in the Optimization window.
Length: Length of the board in centimeters. (if the board is trimmed before cutting, enter the trimmed length in this table)
Width Width of the board in centimeters. (if the board is trimmed before cutting, enter the trimmed length in this table)
pcs Number of boards. (Can be the real amount you have in stock or higher if you want just to see the optimization result).

In the top example we have not entered the name for the type of board, but we have entered the length 275cm, width 207cm and number of boards 1.  After the entry, entered data will be shown as in the picture with the sqaure footage visible.

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